Mike Dutcher has been in the audio visual field since 1985. While a student at OSU, Mike started his DJ business and quickly gained the reputation as the go-to-guy for all the college parties. During that same year he began working at Audio Sound, a local audio video retailer, were he earned the nickname "Stereo Boy". In 1990 he bought Audio Sound and served the great people of Stillwater until 1996. Mike moved back to Bartlesville in 1996 to be close to his family and has been designing and installing audio/visual equipment ever since. His 30 years of experience and knowledge of equipment and technology has now earned him the nickname "Audio Video Doctor". 

Locations We Serve:

Northeastern & Central Oklahoma, Southeastern Kansas, Dallas & Austin Texas, Crested Butte Colorado



My youngest looking through some old vinyls. I'm so proud.